Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Motion Study of a finger

                For the past couple days the group has been messing around a little bit in SolidWorks, trying to see if we can match the shape and movement of a hand. To start off we did a basic design of a pinky. It took 6 separate parts to create the assembly, with each link in the finger being 2 parts. Even though physically constructing it may be more of a hassle with more parts, we believe stringing fingers to the servo motors will be easier with shorter pieces. At the end of the day this video is what the group came up with and it looks on par for how a finger actually moves when a hand is closing.

                   We also came up for some basic dimensions of the hand. As of now the whole pinky assembly is .47 cubic inches in volume. This may have to be adjusted in time as it is the smallest piece. Other options may be printing it out less dense, or put some holes through the design to free up some space. For now we'll continue on as planned and if it becomes evident we're going to be grossly over volume we can adjust the dimensions then without too much hassle.

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